Christian Evangelical Mission International (CEMI)
CEC in Den Haag - Church Services Schedule
每週聚會 Weekly Services
每月定期聚會 * Monthly Meeting *
Please call ahead before going, in case the schedule may have been changed for any reasons.
聚會 Services | 時間 Time | 對象 Invitee |
主日晨禱會Prayer Meeting | 星期日早上Sunday9:00–9:30 | 本堂弟兄姐妹 Church members |
主日崇拜 Sunday Worship | 星期日早上 Sunday 10:00-11:30 | 荷蘭語、廣東話、普通話崇拜 In Dutch, Cantonese, Mandarin |
荷語少年團契 Youth Fellowship | 星期五 Friday 18:30-21:30 | 10-18 歲講荷語少年人 Dutch Speaking Youth (10-18 yrs. old) |
荷語青年團契 Young Adult Fellowship | 星期五 Friday 18:30-21:30 | 18-28 歲講荷語青年人 Dutch Speaking Young Adult (18-28 yrs. old) |
荷語職青團契 Young Professional | 星期五 Friday 18:30-21:30 | 28歲以上講荷語青年人 Dutch Speaking Young Adult (Over 28 yrs) |
聚會 Services | 時間 Time | 對象 Invitee |
弟兄團契 Brothers Fellowship | 第一個星期日 First Sunday13:00-15:00 | 中青年弟兄和慕道友 Brothers and Friends in their thirties |
姊妹團契 Sisters Fellowship | 第一個星期日 First Sunday13:00-15:00 | 中青年姐妹和慕道友 Sisters and Friends in their thirties |
弟兄飲早茶福音團契 Brothers Gospel Outreach Fellowship | 第一個星期一 1st Monday 10:30-13:00 | 教會弟兄和慕道的男士 Brothers and Friends |
長青查經祈禱會 Elders Bible Study | 第一個星期三 1st Wednesday 14:00-16:00 | 會講粵語的年長弟兄姊妹 Cantonese speaking elderly |
家庭團契 Family Fellowship | 第一個星期五 1st Friday 19:30-21:00 | 教會弟兄姐妹和慕道友Brothers, Sisters and Friends |
兒童團契Children Fellowship | 第一個星期五 1st Friday 19:30-21:00 | 4-10歲兒童 Children 4-10 yrs old |
普通话團契 Mandarin Fellowship | 第二個星期一2nd Monday 11:00-13:00 | 講普通话弟兄姊妹和慕道友 Brothers, Sisters, and Friends |
粵曲福音團契 Cantonese Music Gospel Fellowship | 第二個星期二 2nd Tuesday 12:00-14:00 | |
教會線上查經Online Bible Study | 第二個星期三 2nd Wednesday 19:30-21:00 | |
長青福音團契Evergreen Gospel Fellowship | 第三個星期三 3rd Wednesday 14:00-16:30 | |
姊妹查經祈禱會Sisters Bible Study and Prayer Meeting | 第三個星期六 3rd Saturday 11:00-13:00 | |
活力團契Vitality Fellowship | 第三個星期日 3rd Sunday 13:00-15:00 | 歡迎中年弟兄姐妹和慕道友Brothers, Sisters and Friends |
普通話查經Mandarin Bible Study | 第四個星期一 4th Monday 11:00-13:00 | 講普通話弟兄姊妹和慕道友Brothers, Sisters, and Friends |