Established Date: 1978
About a decade ago, a group of devoted members initiated the Zion Fellowship in order to cultivate spiritual growth and carry out evangelical missions. The fellowship takes turns meeting at the homes of our brothers and sisters. The hosts are hardworking and more than willing to open their houses as their sacrifice to the Lord. They never complained about overtime and their efforts in serving God. Furthermore, they invited neighbors and friends to the fellowship meetings. Some people don’t like to come to the church, but like to come to our fellowship gatherings. The meetings inspire them. Some newcomers accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and later, participated actively in serving the Lord to glorify God’s name.
In the earlier days, our restaurant Bible-study meetings were attended by two large families and held, in turn, at their homes. Recently, the senior of another large family accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord and led her brother and sister-in-law to be Christians. Now we have three large families attending our restaurant Bible-study meetings. The relatives and friends of those family members also attend often. We can see a growing number of attendants coming to the weekly meetings. Whenever we have a pot-luck lunch, the brothers and sisters of the restaurant Bible-study group are always willing to prepare food for us. I would like to give special thanks to a grandma, who brings home-made cakes and snacks every week to the church for us to share.
Praise the Lord! In recent years, CEMC in Highland Park realized the need of our new generation and they established an English worship service for the youth group. During special occasions, we hold English and Chinese combined service so that all groups gather to worship the Lord and share our joy in Christ. Our Sunday school is also under the loving care of the Lord. The devoted teachers train our children to know Jesus Christ ever since they learned to talk. With more and more people involving themselves in our choir, it has become another pride that we take in glorifying God’s name.
Apostle Paul thanked God upon every remembrance of the church at Philippi. Why did he thank God? There were a lot of occurrences at Philippi for Paul to be thankful. Likewise, upon every remembrance of CEM in Highland Park, I am thankful. I was extremely inspired by a few recently baptized new believers and their Christian pilgrimage of faith.
First of all, I would like to share the story of Uncle Jung. A sister Evelyn from our church met Uncle Jung when they were walking leisurely in their own community. She brought him to the church and thus opened the opportunity for him to listen to the Gospel. He then accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord. Uncle Jung had read a few Christian articles before. His heart was prepared and the seed of the Gospel was able to take root and grow promptly in his heart. Praise the Lord for His wonderful work!
Sister Chen is a senior. She was also brought to our church by senior sister Lee. As soon as she had the opportunity to hear the Gospel, she opened her heart and accepted Jesus Christ as her personal savior. It is amazing that she turned out to have such a craving for God’s Word. She actively participates in Bible studies and has experienced unremitting spiritual growth. Sister Chen is from mainland China and she was not able to listen to the Gospel there freely. Her background of being raised in a traditionally large family also resulted in huge burdens and responsibilities. Now that she is in America, her hunger and thirst for the truth can be satisfied without restraint. Praise the Lord!
Last but not least, is our sister Lim. She has been attending worship services for many years. However, she had been experiencing inner struggles which kept putting off her commitment to God. Surprisingly, she showed her dedication in front of all her relatives and friends by choosing to be baptized on Christmas. There are a lot of problems that we can not resolve by ourselves. We should come humbly before God and accept the Lord as our personal Savior. This is the one and only choice for us because Christ is the only way (John 14:6).
We are thankful that CEMC in Highland Park is blessed. Just like the verses in the hymn, ‘Higher Ground’:
“I’m pressing on the upward way, new heights I’m gaining everyday; still praying as I’m onward bound, ‘Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.’ Lord lift me up and let me stand. By faith on heaven’s tableland, A higher plane than I have found: Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”